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Search Results for: pattern formation

Pattern formation

pattern formation (Science: cell biology) One of the classic problems in developmental biology is the way in which complex... Read More


An embryo refers to the early developmental stage of a multicellular organism that follows fertilization. This stage... Read More

Sex-linked trait

Definition of Sex-Linked Traits A sex-linked trait is an observable characteristic of an organism that is influenced by the... Read More


Embryology Definition Embryology is a branch of biology that deals with the topics concerning gamete formation... Read More


Autosomes can be described as the non-sex chromosomes that play diverse roles in the human body like harboring genes for the... Read More

Light-dependent reaction

Many organisms, such as green plants, convert light energy into chemical energy through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In... Read More

Law of Segregation

Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance The father of genetics, Gregor Mendel, reported his findings in 1860 that initially were... Read More


Osteocyte Definition The osteocyte is a mature bone cell. Other bone cell types are osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and... Read More

Crown of head

Crown of Head Definition The crown of the head is the upper dorsal part (or area) of the head. Several creatures have... Read More


Heredity Definition In biology, heredity refers to the passing of genetic factors from parents to offspring or from one... Read More

Cell adhesion

Cell Adhesion Definition Cell adhesion is the process in which a cell uses a specialized complex of proteins to get... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More


Prophase is the first stage of mitosis; the very first step in this crucial process of the M-phase of the cell cycle. Now as... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More


Flagellum Definition Flagellum is a slender, hair-like structure composed of a complex arrangement of multiple proteins,... Read More


Phagocytosis Definition Phagocytosis is a basic physiological cellular process wherein a cell ingests a solid particle... Read More

Integumentary system

Integumentary System Definition The integumentary system is the outermost layer of the body. The animal body, in... Read More


Centromere Definition Centromere is defined as the point of attachment for the sister chromatids generated after DNA... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More


In biology, homology refers to similarities caused by shared ancestry between two structures or genes from distinct species.... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More

Constitutive heterochromatin banding

Definition noun (cytogenetics) A selective banding technique wherein a banding pattern is produced in the constitutive... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More


Keratin is a fibrous protein naturally present in hair, skin, and nails. In hair care, it serves as a protective and... Read More


What is an Osteon? In osteology (the study of bony structures and skeleton), the osteons (or Haversian systems) are the... Read More

Independent Assortment

Independent Assortment Definition Independent assortment refers to the alleles or genes that sort into the newly formed... Read More

Inherited traits

What are Inherited Traits? The characteristics or traits that are passed from parents to offspring are known as inherited... Read More


Nucleosome Definition Every organism is made of deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA. DNA is made up of numerous... Read More


Fecundity Definition The meaning of fecundity is the reproductive rate (fecundity rate) or the performance of an individual... Read More


In the enchanting tapestry of life, the smallest of heroes and a celestial protagonist emerges—'the atom'. With grace and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tropocollagens A single collagen molecule; a molecular structure that makes up a collagen fiber,... Read More


Xylem Definition Xylem is defined as a plant tissue that transfers water and nutrients from roots to all over the plant... Read More

Secondary succession

We all have come across news where forest lands got destroyed by wildfires. Or sometimes we have read about an entire... Read More


Metaphase Definition Metaphase is the third phase of mitosis after prophase and before anaphase. Mitosis is the process by... Read More

Endomembrane system

Ever wondered how biomolecules are made within the cell and then they are released outside the cell for use by the body?... Read More


Metamerism Definition Metamerism is the repetition of homologous body segments. This type of development can be seen in the... Read More

Nucleic acid

Nucleic Acid Definition A nucleic acid refers to any of the group of complex compounds consisting of chains of monomers of... Read More

Community (biology)

Community, in biology, refers to the assemblage of interacting organisms (either of the same or different species)... Read More

Plasma membrane

Do all cells have a plasma (or cell) membrane? Yes, all cells have a biological membrane that separates the protoplasm from... Read More